Tagore Medical College and hospital Institutional
Ethics Committee (IEC) was constituted for
discussion and approval of institutional/
collaborative research projects with a view to
safeguard the dignity, rights, safety and well being
of all research participants and to ensure that the
research is carried under prescribed guidelines.
Institutional Ethics Committee operates as per the
ICMR guidelines and has been registered (Ethics
Committee Registration
No.ECR/634/Inst/TN2014 issued under
Rule 122DD of the drugs &
cosmetics Rule 1945).
Responsibilities of IEC
To ensure the competent review and
evaluation of all ethical aspects of
research projects received in an objective
To protect the safety, rights and well being
of the potential research participants.
To conduct scientific evaluation and ensure
technical appropriateness of the proposed
To ensure that universal ethical values and
international scientific standards are
expressed in terms of local community values
and customs.
To assist in the development and the
education of a research community responsive
to local health care requirements.
Creation, developing, revising and
implementing ethical guidelines (SOPs)
DCGI approval number - ECR/1122/Tagore/Inst/TN/2014/RR20