Medical Education Unit

The medical education unit of Tagore medical college and Hospital was formed in 2010 with the Dean Dr.S.Shanta as its Chairman. Since then the MEU has actively participated in improving and reforming the medical education in the college.

The unit has dedicated faculty members who meet regularly to plan and implement various medical education activities.The minutes of these meetings are maintained with the members.


  • To evaluate and promote quality of medical education.
  • To equip the teaching staff with the necessary skills to undertake effectively their roles as medical teachers.
  • Curriculum development for innovations in medical education
  • To conduct research and provide scientifically sound information that advances and promotes medical education.
  • To develop attitude and communication skills
  • To nurture the careers of faculty members who wants to focus on educational scholarship and develop as future medical educationists.

Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute Mci Nodal Centre For Faculty Development Attitude And Communication (At-Com) Module Sensitization Programme

S.No.Name of FacultyDesignationDepartmentDate
1Dr.D.H.GopalanAssociate ProfessorAnatomy1/9/2015
2Dr.Beulah EdwinAssociate ProfessorMicrobiology1/9/2015
3Dr.Vincent PrasannaProfessorENT22/11/2015
4Dr KR.SowmiyaAssociate ProfessorCommunity Medicine22/11/2015
5Dr.R.GeethaAssociate ProfessorPharmacology18/01/2016
6Dr.A.BalajiProfessorCommunity Medicine15.7.2016
7Dr.PrasannaAssociate ProfessorGeneral Medicine15.7.2016

Faculty Development Revised Basic Course Workshop attended at Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute MCI Nodal Centre

S.No.Name of FacultyDesignationDepartmentFromTo
1Dr.D.H.GopalanAssociate ProfessorAnatomy2/9/20154/9/2015
2Dr.Beulah EdwinAssociate ProfessorMicrobiology2/9/20154/9/2015
3Dr.Vincent PrasannaProfessorENT23/11/201526/11/2015
4Dr KR.SowmiyaAssociate ProfessorCommunity Medicine23/11/201526/11/2015
5Dr.R.GeethaAssociate ProfessorPharmacology19/01/201622/01/2016
6Dr.A.BalajiProfessorCommunity Medicine12.7.201614.7.2016
7Dr.PrasannaAssociate ProfessorGeneral Medicine12.7.201614.7.2016


Basic Course Work Shop conducted by Medical Education Unit

S.NoDate No. of participantsMCI Observer
1.11th to 13th June 201417Dr.S.Sujatha, Professor SRMC
2.5th – 7th November 201423Dr. Santhi silambanan, Professor SRMC
3.24th June – 26th June 201519Dr.Surendran, Professor SRMC


CME program list
Clinical society meetings are conducted every first Thursday of every month.
Foundation course:is done every year for the first year students.
Interns orientation program: The Department of Medical education has been organizing the “ CRRI Orientation Program” for the interns.


  • Madasamy Balamurugan et al. Simulation exercise using cadavers to train Bone Marrow aspiration technique – Second year Undergraduate medical student’s perspective. International Journal of Current Research, 2015 Sep; 7(9); 20698-701.
  • Madasamy Balamurugan et al. A Novel strategy for teaching Hematology to second year MBBS students by training interns as Standardized Patients. International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology. 2016 Jan; 17(3): 198-201.
  • Madasamy Balamurugan et al. Open book examination as an effective tool for reviewing the subject and reinforcement of the concepts in medical education – IInd MBBS student’s perspective. International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology. 2016 Jan; 18(2): 281-285.
  • Arumugam B, Nagalingam S. Career Guidance in Medical Education :Is it Mandatory? Int J Sci Stud 2015;3(7):1-2
  • Balaji Arumugam & Saranya Nagalingam. VIVA VOCE Examinations- cursory and mysterious journey. International Journal of current Medical and Applied Sciences:2016, 9(3), 132-133.
  • Arumugam B, Nagalingam S. Workshop: An alternative way of learning FOR Medical Graduates. Int J Med Res Rev 2015;3(2): 197-202, doi: 10.17511/ijmrr.2015.i2.035
  • Balaji Arumugam & Saranya Nagalingam. Vertical Integration in Medical Education- Are we on right track? EBPS 2016, vol 3, 467-469.
  • Arumugam Balaji and Nagalingam Saranya. A need for feedback….”Deeds do not aspire to ameliorate- Justify your deed”. JETHS Dec 2015, vol2.
  • Dr.D.H.Gopalan, M.Vani, Dr. Beulah Edwin, Dr. Balaji Arumugam. Career Advice during Indian Medical Graduate Training- An urgent need. IESRJ April 2016. Vol 2. 9