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Awareness Campaign on Nutritional Problems in India- A Major Public Health Threat on 07/01/2017
Health camp held in chitlapakkam to create awareness about Nutritional problem in public health.
Objectives :
- To educate people about common nutritional deficiencies in India,
- Importance of early recognition, balanced diet, early intervention.
- To emphasis the community regarding the importance of prevention strategies.
UHTC Team :
- Dr. Jacquline – Medical officer
- CRRI’s
- Mrs. Chandra -PHN
- Mr. Nagaraj – Health Inspector
- Mr. Vignesh – MSW
- Dr. Harshini vaanan
- Dr. Hemita Joeline
- Dr. Jaykumar
- Dr. Jayashree selvam
- Dr. Hamsathvani
- Dr. Gowtham
Participants :
Out patients
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Activities Performed :
[wc_toggle title=”Introduction by Dr. Gowtham” layout=”box”]
About various types of Nutritional deficiencies in public health like vit A, Iodine, Iron , Protein energy malnutrition, fluorosis.
[wc_toggle title=”Vitamin A by Dr. Jayashree selvam” layout=”box”]
Sources :
- carrots
- green leafy vegetables
- fish
- liver
- sweet potato .
Clinical features :
- bitot’s spot
- xerosis
- keratomalacia
Complication : Blindness
Prevention : Vit A prophylaxis.

[wc_toggle title=”Iodine deficiency by Dr. Harshini Vaanan ” layout=”box”]
Risk factors :
- pregnancy
- females
- exposure to radiation
- smoking and alcohol.
Sources :
- Banana
- Beans
- Soya Beans
- Cheese
- Strawberry
- Iodinised salt
Clinical features :
- Brittle Nails
- Neck Swelling
Complication :
- goiter
- hypothyroidism
- pregnancy/ cretinism
Prevention : National iodine deficiency disorder control programme ( iodised salt)

[wc_toggle title=”Iron deficiency by Dr. Hemita joeline ” layout=”box”]
Sources :
- liver
- green leafy vegetables
- jaggery
- dates
- drumstick.
Causes :
- Malaria
- worm infestations
- pregnancy
- menorrhagia.

Clinical features :
- pale
- breathlessness
- tiredness
- palpitations
- dizziness
Complication : Heart failure, Infections.
Prevention : National nutritional anemia prophylaxis programme ( iron folic acid supplementation and iron fortified salt).
[wc_toggle title=”Protein Energy Malnutrition by Dr. Jaykumar ” layout=”box”]
Sources :
- Chicken
- Fish
- Egg White
- Pulses
Clinical features :
- oedema
- flag sign
- muscle wasting
- pot belly
- irritable
- poor weight gain
- anemia
Complication :
- Septicemia
- Pneumonia
- Hypothermia
- Heart failure
Prevention : food fortification , protein rich food , immunization , breast feeding .
[wc_toggle title=”Fluorosis by Dr.Hamsathvani ” layout=”box”]
Sources of fluorine : fluorinated water, toothpaste, corn.
Clinical presentation : skeletal and dental fluorosis ( Genu valgum and corroded teeth ).
Prevention : avoidance of fluorine rich sources, dental care.